Life (A2) Elementary SB with DVD-1片部落客
Life (A2) Elementary SB with DVD-1片部落客是一本符合教學所需的教科書
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Life (A2) Elementary SB with DVD-1片部落客曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
Life (A2) Elementary SB with DVD-1片部落客誠意推薦給大家看喔!
專業教科書Life (A2) Elementary SB with DVD-1片部落客全書的內容大意
內容簡介: 博客來 Welcome to Life, an exciting new six-level adult series that turns learning English into an exploration of the world we live in. Drawing on National Geographic content, Life transforms the learning experience into a fabulous journey with irresistible images, articles and videos that engage students like no series before. Bring Life into your classroom!
Key Features:
?Comprehensive grammar, vocabulary, functions, pronunciation and skills syllabuses address the needs of contemporary students, and then Life goes one step further to enrich communication and critical thinking.
?Grammar is presented in context with full explanations and extensive additional support.
?Vocabulary is introduced thematically with further focus at lexical and morphological levels in Word focus and Word building sections.
?Real Life lessons model and practice everyday functions and pronunciation is dealt with in depth.
博客來書店博客來網路書局 ?Every lesson ends with a productive outcome, such as speaking or writing.
新手一看就懂的存錢寶典 | 私人銀行與高資產顧問的第一本書:私人銀行基礎篇 | ||
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- 新功能介紹 作者: John Hughes, Helen Stephenson, Paul Dummett
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2013/10/11
- 語言:英文
Life (A2) Elementary SB with DVD-1片部落客
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(中央社倫敦4日綜合外電報導)蘋果為了不讓今年稍晚亮相的iPhone 6S或iPhone 7,重蹈跟iPhone 6一樣可能折彎的覆轍,因此加厚新機。
uSwitch報導指出:「目前iPhone 6厚度為6.9毫米,根據我們的消息人士,iPhone 6S厚度將有7.1豪米。」
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Macfixit Australia發布的其中一張照片可看到,品管標籤上通過日期為7月29日,如果沒有意外,蘋果將會按照傳統在9月推出新iPhone。(譯者:中央社陳昱婷)1040804
Life (A2) Elementary SB with DVD-1片部落客